Principal Desk

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Respected Readers,

I, on behalf of St. Joseph’s School, thank you for visiting our website.

Rapid technological advancements are transforming human beings in unpredictable ways by equipping them with greater abilities and capacities. Consequently, our aspirations and expectations from life, society and ourselves are also rising in equal measure thereby creating an additional set of challenges in the education of children.

In short, schools, now more than ever before, have to make extraordinary efforts in order to keep abreast of the demands arising from the oncoming society that is equipped with globalized knowledge. It is a matter of great pride and personal satisfaction for me to say that St. Joseph’s  School which set out

with tiny hesitant steps a decade ago is now beginning to make rapid strides in its bid to become one of the highest achieving schools in the region.

Our aim in the education of our students is markedly simple – the school as a ‘crucible’ of democracy should equip and empower its students to function as mature adults in their later lives. It is however in the specifics that complexity arises beginning with a comprehensive and ongoing endeavor to spot the potential in each and every student and then guide him or her in the pursuit of its realization. Holistic and well-rounded education sounds very impressive and all schools promise it. The acid test however lies in what the students can 

achieve with the help of this education. In that respect, I am very happy to say that our students have been bringing credit to their school in each and every academic, co scholastic and sporting competition in which they participate. Their in-house activities are no less challenging as we put them through a regimen designed to stimulate and develop their multiple intelligences in a composite manner.

The biggest challenge of all lies in ensuring that the holistic and well rounded education of the students remains relevant to the changing needs of our nation, its society and economy. In order to ensure that our students always retain the cutting edge in terms of our curriculum, we depend a lot on the valuable inputs given to us by you as a 

parent – the single most important stakeholder in the school. I therefore urge you to bring your child to St. Joseph’s School and participate in our endeavor as a professional learning community to make a difference in the education of your child.



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